653 6 хв

Кеті Перрі в новому яскравому кліпі стала хіпі та станцювала в стилі 70-х

Хіпі, танці в полі, яскрава Кеті Перрі в образі - що ще може бути краще за новий літній хіт від відомої співачки? Ну, хіба що її весілля з Орландо Блумом, на яке всі чекають!

Кеті Перрі в новому яскравому кліпі стала хіпі та станцювала в стилі 70-х

Кеті Перрі / Джерело: Instagram

Кеті Перрі зняла не менш яскравий кліп на пісню Never Really Over, ніж вона сама. І нагадала про молодіжний рух хіпі своєю новою роботою.

Відео дня

34-річна красунечка в новій відеороботі приміряла просто неймовірну кількість яскравих літніх образів, і всі вони були в стилі 70-х. Епатажна співачка змогла і насмішити, і здивувати акупунктурою на обличчі.

Готові підняти свої вібрації?,

  • загадково запитала у своїх фоловерів в Instagram зірка.

Кеті Перрі презентувала новий літній кліп Never Really Over - дивитися онлайн:

Katy Perry - Never Really Over

I'm losing my self control

Yeah you're starting to trickle back in

But I don't want to fall down the rabbit hole

Cross my heart I won't do it again


I tell myself, tell myself, tell myself

Draw the line and I do I do

But once in a while I trip up and I cross the line


And I think of you


Two years and just like that

My head still takes me back

Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over

Oh we were such a mess

But wasn't it the best

Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over


Just because it’s over

Doesn’t mean it’s really over

And if I think it over

Maybe you’ll be coming over again

And I’ll have to get over you all over again


Just because it’s over

Doesn’t mean it’s really over

And if I think it over

Maybe you’ll be coming over again

And I’ll have to get over you all over again


I guess I could try hypnotherapy

I gotta rewire this brain

'Cause I can't even go on the internet

without even checking your name



I tell myself, tell myself, tell myself

Draw the line and I do I do

But once in a while I trip up and cross the line

And think of you


Two years and just like that

My head still takes me back

Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over

Oh we were such a mess

But wasn't it the best

Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over


Just because it’s over

Doesn’t mean it’s really over

And if I think it over

Maybe you’ll be coming over again

And I’ll have to get over you all over again

Just because it’s over

Doesn’t mean it’s really over

And if I think it over

Maybe you’ll be coming over again

And I’ll have to get over you all over again



Thought we kissed goodbye

Thought we meant this time

was the last but I

guess it’s never really over

Thought we drew the line

Right through you & I

Can't keep going back

I guess it’s never really over


Two years and just like that

My head still takes me back

Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over


Just because it’s over

Doesn’t mean it’s really over

And if I think it over

Maybe you’ll be coming over again

And I’ll have to get over you all over again

Just because it’s over

Doesn’t mean it’s really over

And if I think it over

Maybe you’ll be coming over again

And I’ll have to get over you all over again


Thought we kissed goodbye

Thought we meant this time


was the last but I

guess it’s never really over

Thought we drew the line

Right through you & I

Can't keep going back

I guess it’s never really over

Кеті Перрі
Кеті Перрі
пісняІноземний кліпПрем'єри

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